Monday, 23 April 2012

Teaching Post-Millennial Literature

A quick blog post about an exciting upcoming event organised by the Editor of C21 Literature. This one day symposium is co-hosted by the Higher Education Academy for the UK and by the University of Brighton, Faculty of Arts. It offers the unique opportunity to share and exchange ideas about the challenges and possibilities of teaching C21 Literature. And a free lunch. Who said there was no such thing...? Read on, submit a paper and/or sign up - places are strictly limited!

Teaching Post-Millennial Literature

2nd Jul 2012
Checkland, Falmer Campus
A one-day symposium organised through the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and the Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton

Cost: FREE (Space Strictly Limited)

Deadline for proposals: 15th May 2012

Keynote 1: Dr David James (University of Nottingham)
Keynote 2: Prof Peter Boxall (University of Sussex)

The first decade of the new millennium witnessed a range of exciting developments in English Literature. From innovations in recognised forms such as the novel, poem, play and short story to developments in blogging, digital writings, new media, creative writing and new genre and trends from Steampunk to Slash, Nordic Noir to Faction. Alongside these developments, the publishing industry also changed, with technological advances giving rise to the dawn of the eBook and corporate sponsorship igniting debates about the usefulness of literary prizes and festivals.

This unique one day event will reflect on the teaching of post-millennial literature in HE and FE to offer the emerging field of twenty-first century literature as a new and directional source of understanding and creative inspiration for contemporary students and scholars.

Proposals for 20 minute papers may address, but are not limited to:

Post-Millennial forms, genres and trends
New authors
Literary prizes and festivals
Adaptations and innovations
Digital writings and publishing
Book clubs
Creative writing

For those giving papers, all travel expenses will be covered by the HEA

For those wishing to attend, the symposium - including refreshments and lunch - is free, but spaces are strictly limited and early registration is vital

To send a paper proposal (150 words by 15th May) or register for a place at this event please email